
Previous Issue - Issue 02


Issue 02 | 2023

  • Foreword
  • HealthCare Management
  • Medical Sciences
  • Surgical Speciality
  • Diagnostics
  • Information Technology
  • Expert Talk

Issue 02



Welcome & Introduction

I am excited to announce the muchawaited launch of the second edition of American Hospital Healthcare Management Magazine

HealthCare Management

Simplified Patient Scheduling Through Self-assessment Tools and Hospital System Integration

Misleading initial visits are a common cause of adverse treatment outcomes

Legal Implications of Medical Errors, Initiatives & Strategies for Patient Safety - The Road Ahead

The medical profession is widely recognized as one of the most honorable and esteemed occupations across the globe

How Managers Solve Healthcare’s Difficult Problem of Recruitment and Retention

Organizations are comprised of two very different yet interdependent variables tangibles and intangibles

Medical Sciences

Cardiovascular Medicine & Surgery - Global Trends & Challenges

Cardiac surgery is a rapidly advancing field that is constantly improving with new techniques technologies and approaches

Growth and Impact of Telemedicine in Improving Access to Healthcare

Telehealth sometimes called telemedicine allows healthcare providers to deliver care remotely without requiring an inperson visit

Surgical Speciality

Modern Thoracic Surgery – Bending the Borders

At the beginning of the th century the german surgent Werner Krte successfully performed a lobectomy


Leveraging an Inpatient Reference Test Formulary to Reduce Costs

Over the past few decades there has been enormous growth in healthcare expenditure in the United States

Information Technology

Machine Learning & High Dimensional Data – Clinical Outcome

PredictionUsing Bayesian Neural Networks with Fuzzy Logic Inferences

Bayesian analysis enables incorporation of new data with existing knowledge

Expert Talk

Value-Based Care through Telemedicine for Patients

Valuebased care refers to the ratio of the quality of care to the cost of care

Integration of AI and IoT: Transforming Healthcare through Innovation

Before we go into the details of the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence and Digital Health

Artificial Intelligence AI is rapidly transforming the practice of healthcare